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Publication of RESCUR Surfing The Waves. A Resilience Curriculum for Early Years and Primary Schools in Europe

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016 at 10:40 am

RESCUR Surfing The Waves: A Resilience Curriculum for Early Years and Primary Schools in Europe,  has been published in seven languages in both soft and hard copies. It consists of five manuals, namely a Teachers' Guide, a Parents' Guide, and three Activities Manuals (Early Years, Early Primary, Late Primary). The soft copy includes also mindfulness activities, theme posters and animal cards amongst others. It is strongly recommended that schools and other institutions and agencies interested in implementing the programme, would first receive training in implementation; for this reason only the Teachers' Guide is being made available to the public (please click on the book cover), the other four manuals will be made available during the training. A training team has been set up in each of the six partner countries; for further information on training please contact Professor Carmel Cefai, Centre for Resilience and Socio-Emotional Health, University of Malta at

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Photos from RESCUR Launch Seminar, Greece, 16th December 2015

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015 at 9:22 am

Photos and Presentation from the RESCUR Launch Seminar, Greece, 16th December 2015

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Photos from RESCUR Launch held at Orebro University, Sweden

Monday, December 21st, 2015 at 8:00 am

Launch of RESCUR program named “Jag vill , jag kan, jag törs!” held at Orebro University, Sweden, on the 24th of November, 2015.    

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Copyright: © RESCUR Project 2014

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