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Izdanja RESCUR Na valovima, Kurikul otpornosti za djecu predškolske i osnovnoškolske dobi u Europi

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016 at 10:40 am

Izdanja RESCUR Na valovima, Kurikul otpornosti za djecu predškolske i  osnovnoškolske dobi  u Europi RESCUR Na valovima, Kurikul otpornosti za djecu predškolske i  osnovnoškolske dobi  u Europi objavljen je na sedam jezika u elektronskoj verziji i tisku. Sastoji se od pet priručnika: Vodič za odgojitelje i učitelje, Priručnik za roditelje i tri priručnika s aktivnostima (predškolska dob, rana osnovnoškolska dob, srednja osnovnoškolska dob). Elektronska verzija sadrži, između ostalog, i aktivnosti za usmjeravanje pažnje,   tematske postere i kartice sa sličicama životinja. Školama, vrtićima i institucijama koje su zainteresirane za primjenu programa preporučuje se da svakako prije primjene kurikula održe trening; zbog toga je samo Vodič za  odgojitelje i učitelje dostupan svima ( molimo, kliknite na naslovnu stranicu). Ostala četiri priručnika bit će dostupna za vrijeme treninga. Tim za edukaciju je dostupan u svakoj od šest zemalja uključenih u projekt. Za daljnje informacije i trening možete se obratiti na adresu: Učiteljski fakultet u Zagrebu , prof. dr. sc. Renata Miljević-Riđički i  prof. dr. sc. Dejana Bouillet

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(English) Photos from RESCUR Launch Seminar, Greece, 16th December 2015

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015 at 9:22 am

Žao mi je! Ova stranica nije dostupna u ovom jeziku

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(English) Photos from RESCUR Launch Seminar, Malta, 16th December 2015

Monday, December 21st, 2015 at 8:20 am

Žao mi je! Ova stranica nije dostupna u ovom jeziku

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(English) Photos from RESCUR Launch held at Orebro University, Sweden

Monday, December 21st, 2015 at 8:00 am

Žao mi je! Ova stranica nije dostupna u ovom jeziku

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Copyright: © RESCUR Project 2014
Odricanje od odgovornosti

World-wide-web Dating – A Few Important things be informed on Prepare Yourself For

Quiet married woman have been around since the beginning of the institution of marriage. Often times men and women are just going with any flow and get married, have got kids, get the house and all that good stuff. Just going along with all the actions society in general says we have to undertake.

This is now a wedded woman looking for men beyond the borders of her relationship. She will shortly find herself as an unofficial member of the unhappy cheating wives club. Some married wife will touch base and find extra marital affairs. While it doesn’t seem evident to you right now because people believe women to be nutritious, loving kind creatures.

In many cases children and large expenses are involved so instead of divorce it is just easier designed for these married women to help you cheat and have an affair. All the fighting and non-stop bickering causes his wife to get bored with the situation. An individual’s wife will start to resent your ex boyfriend for all the fights they are needing.

That will be his argument and unfortunately this can be an argument that never gets resolved that will go on for weeks or even just months. Sometimes this will be a battle that goes on the entire length of the marriage and it can start shortly after that honeymoon. This can cause your marriage to lead to divorce.

It can cause a marriage to get stale and boring serious quick. The result is unhappy married women. It will start with fights of the man not spending enough time in reference to his wife. Well he has to work to support their way of living and their marriage best suited?

Do you know what the main issue with going with what best-selling society is? Often times together with the expenses of raising kids, having a mortgage and everything good stuff creates great stress and anxiety.

The lady with a lonely married lover on the prowl for someone to connect with, someone who realizes her. She just wants someone to connect with initially. The moment the mental affair begins, it will soon turn the fantasy into physical passion unleashed.

Followed by that is feelings of loneliness with no one to choose just be on her side. Do you know what happens next? The darling finds herself looking to gain a advantage and have an affair past the marriage for spite against her husband.

Although as the famous policy goes “Hell hath zero fury like a woman scorned” is very much a truth. Did you know that 20% of American women are lonely in their marriages? That means that there are 45+ Million married women for many alone looking to get involved in some relationship with a man past her marriage. Lonely married women are out there males and they are looking to come with an affair on their husbands.