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No suicides occurred in any of the pediatric studiesThere were suicides in the adult studiesbut the number was not sufficient to reach any conclusion about antidepressant drug effect on suicide.

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A decrease in fertility was seen in one of two rat studies at a dose of 80 mg/kg3.1 times the maximum recommended human dose on a mg/m 2 basis in adolescents

SNRIs and SSRIsincluding ZOLOFThave been associated with cases of clinically significant hyponatremia in elderly patientswho may be at greater risk for this adverse reactionSee WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS

People who take ZOLOFT close in time to an MAOI may have serious or even life-threatening side effectsGet medical help right away if you have any of these symptoms:

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In a pooled analysis of two 10-weekdouble-blindplacebo-controlledflexible dose50-200 mgoutpatient trials for MDDn=373there was a difference in weight change between ZOLOFT and placebo of roughly 1 kgfor both childrenages 6-11and adolescentsages 12-17in both age groups representing a slight weight loss for the ZOLOFT group compared to a slight gain for the placebo groupFor childrenabout 7of the ZOLOFT-treated patients had a weight loss greater than 7of body weight compared to 0of the placebo-treated patientsfor adolescentsabout 2of ZOLOFT-treated patients had a weight loss7of body weight compared to about 1of placebo-treated patients.

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