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The dose-response relationship for orlistat in human volunteers is shown in Figure 1The effect is the percentage of ingested fat excretedreferred to as fecal fat excretion percentageBoth individual dataopen circlesand the curve predicted for the population with the maximum-effect modelcontinuous lineare shown in Figure 1.

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Dietary fats need to be broken down into smaller pieces before the body can absorb themOrlistat works by blocking the enzyme that breaks down fats in your dietThis undigested fat then passes out of your body in your bowel movementOrlistat does not block the absorption of calories from sugar and other non-fat foodsso you still need to restrict your total intake of calories.

Common Xenical side effects are caused by orlistat’s fat-blocking actionThese are signs that the medicine is working properlyThese side effects are usually temporary and may lessen as you continue using Xenical:

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