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Although the interaction between other protease inhibitors and sildenafil has not been studiedtheir concomitant use is expected to increase sildenafil levels.

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Pharmacokinetic data from patients in clinical trials showed no effect on sildenafil pharmacokinetics of CYP2C9 inhibitorssuch as tolbutamidewarfarinCYP2D6 inhibitorssuch as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitorstricyclic antidepressantsthiazide and related diureticsACE inhibitorsand calcium channel blockersThe AUC of the active metaboliteN-desmethyl sildenafilwas increased 62by loop and potassium-sparing diuretics and 102by nonspecific beta-blockersThese effects on the metabolite are not expected to be of clinical consequence.

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Sildenafil is cleared predominantly by the CYP3A4major routeand CYP2C9minor routehepatic microsomal isoenzymesThe major circulating metabolite results from N-desmethylation of sildenafiland is itself further metabolizedThis metabolite has a PDE selectivity profile similar to sildenafil and an in vitro potency for PDE5 approximately 50of the parent drugPlasma concentrations of this metabolite are approximately 40of those seen for sildenafilso that the metabolite accounts for about 20of sildenafil’s pharmacologic effects.

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