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Tell your doctor or pharmacist as soon as possible if you do not feel well while you are using VERMOXAll medicines can have side effectsSometimes they are seriousmost of the time they are notYou may need medical treatment if you get some side effects.

Since Vermox is contra-indicated in pregnancypatients who think they areor may bepregnant should not take this preparation.

It may be up to 3 days after treatment before the worm is removed from your stomach and intestinesThe amount of time it takes to cure the infection depends on how susceptible the worm is to mebendazoleand how quickly your own digestive system is movingIf the infection has not been cured within 3 weeksa second treatment may be necessary.

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In 2006JohnsonJohnson founded Children Without Worms in collaboration with the Task Force for Global Health and started the donation of VERMOX TMThe partnership is dedicated to the treatment and prevention of STH in childrenWHO is the partner that coordinates the global supply of medicines and supports country governments in the distribution of the medicines via school programs in endemic countries.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occurCall your doctor for medical advice about side effectsYou may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

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