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Strong inducers of cytochrome P450 enzymes and/or inducers of UGTe.grifampincarbamazepinephenytoin and phenobarbitalhave been shown to decrease the plasma/serum levels of MHDthe active metabolite of TRILEPTAL25to 49see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGYIf TRILEPTAL and strong CYP3A4 inducers or UGT inducers are administered concurrentlyit is recommended that the plasma levels of MHD be monitored during the period of TRILEPTAL titrationDose adjustment of TRILEPTAL may be required after initiationdosage modificationor discontinuation of such inducers.

There is no specific antidoteSymptomatic and supportive treatment should be administered as appropriateRemoval of the drug by gastric lavage and/or inactivation by administering activated charcoal should be considered.

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Based on MHD concentrationsTRILEPTAL tablets and suspension were shown to have similar bioavailability.

TRILEPTAL is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to oxcarbazepine or to any of its componentsor to eslicarbazepine acetatesee WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS

The half-life of the parent is about 2 hourswhile the half-life of MHD is about 9 hours.

Do not take TRILEPTAL if you are allergic to TRILEPTAL or any of the other ingredients in TRILEPTALor to eslicarbazepine acetateSee the end of this Medication Guide for a complete list of ingredients in TRILEPTAL.

Similar symptoms that are not related to low sodium may occur from taking TRILEPTALYou should tell your healthcare provider if you have any of these side effects and if they bother you or they do not go away.

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