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Dizziness and tiredness may occurScalp tingling may also occur as your body adjusts to the medicationDecreased sexual ability has been reported rarelyIf any of these effects persist or worsentell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

Although beta-adrenergic receptor blockade is useful in the treatment of angina and hypertensionthere are also situations in which sympathetic stimulation is vitalFor examplein patients with severely damaged heartsadequate ventricular function may depend on sympathetic driveBeta-adrenergic blockade may worsen A-V block by preventing the necessary facilitating effects of sympathetic activity on conductionBeta 2adrenergic blockade results in passive bronchial constriction by interfering with endogenous adrenergic bronchodilator activity in patients subject to bronchospasmand it may also interfere with exogenous bronchodilators in such patients.

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This medication should not be used if you have certain medical conditionsBefore using this medicineconsult your doctor or pharmacist if you havecertain types of heart rhythm problemssuch as a slow heartbeatsecondor third-degree atrioventricular blocksevere heart failurebreathing problemssuch as asthmachronic bronchitisemphysema

Ischemic heart disease or failureMonitor hepatic functiondiscontinue at first sign of liver injuryCOPDPheochromocytomaDiabetesSurgeryAvoid abrupt cessationElderlyPregnancyCat.CNursing mothers.

USESLabetalol is used with or without other medications to treat high blood pressurehypertensionLowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokesheart attacksand kidney problems.This medication is both an alpha blocker and beta blockerIt works by blocking the action of certain natural chemicals in your body such as epinephrine on the heart and blood vesselsThis effect lowers the heart rateblood pressureand strain on the heart.

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