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Concomitant administration of oral metronidazole and intravenous phenytoin was reported to result in prolongation of the half-life and reduction in the clearance of phenytoinMetronidazole did not significantly affect the pharmacokinetics of orally-administered phenytoin.

Take tinidazole until you finish the prescriptioneven if you feel betterIf you stop taking tinidazole too soon or skip dosesyour infection may not be completely cured and bacteria may become resistant to antibiotics.

Another medication that is similar to tinidazole has caused cancer in laboratory animalsIt is not known whether tinidazole increases the risk of developing cancer in laboratory animals or in humans.Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of using this medication.

Carcinogenicity has been seen in mice and rats treated chronically with metronidazoleanother nitroimidazole agentAlthough such data have not been reported for tinidazolethe two drugs are structurally related and have similar biologic effectsIts use should be reserved for the conditions described in INDICATIONS AND USAGE.

Metronidazolea chemically-related nitroimidazolehas been reported to be carcinogenic in mice and rats but not hamstersIn several studies metronidazole showed evidence of pulmonaryhepaticand lymphatic tumorigenesis in mice and mammary and hepatic tumors in female ratsTinidazole carcinogenicity studies in ratsmice or hamsters have not been reported.

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