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Thyroid hormones cross the placental barrier to some extent as evidenced by levels in cord blood of athyreotic fetuses being approximately one-third maternal levelsTransfer of thyroid hormone from the mother to the fetushowevermay not be adequate to prevent in utero hypothyroidism.

The goal of replacement therapy is to achieve and maintain a clinical and biochemical euthyroid stateThe goal of suppressive therapy is to inhibit growth and/or function of abnormal thyroid tissueThe dose of SYNTHROID that is adequate to achieve these goals depends on a variety of factors including the patient’s agebody weightcardiovascular statusconcomitant medical conditionsincluding pregnancyconcomitant medicationsand the specific nature of the condition being treatedsee WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONSHencethe following recommendations serve only as dosing guidelinesDosing must be individualized and adjustments made based on periodic assessment of the patient’s clinical response and laboratory parameterssee PRECAUTIONSLaboratory Tests

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Adequacy of therapy should be assessed by measuring serum freeT 4 levelswhich should be maintained in the upper half of the normal range in these patients.

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Synthroid should not be used to treat obesity or weight problemsDangerous side effects or death can occur from the misuse of this medicineespecially if you are taking any other weight-loss medications or appetite suppressants.

Levothyroxine has a narrow therapeutic indexRegardless of the indication for usecareful dosage titration is necessary to avoid the consequences of overor under-treatmentThese consequences includeamong otherseffects on growth and developmentcardiovascular functionbone metabolismreproductive functioncognitive functionemotional stategastrointestinal functionand on glucose and lipid metabolismMany drugs interact with levothyroxine sodium necessitating adjustments in dosing to maintain therapeutic responsesee DRUG INTERACTIONS

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