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There is a generic on the market, but the price of brand name singulair is still expensive – about 200 per month, although the cost changes.

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During its 2124 April 2008 meetingthe CHMPin the light of the overall submitted data and the scientific discussion within the Committeewas of the opinion that the proposal for the harmonisation of the SPCLabelling and Package leaflet including the quality aspects was acceptable and that they should be amended.

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After sharing her son’s experience in an ABC 7.30 story about Singulair in early SeptemberVanessa Sellick from Melbourne launched a Change.org petition demanding compulsory labelling that has since gained 1500 signatures.

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Singulair and associated names4mgchewable tablets and oral granulesis a leukotriene-1 receptor antagonist used for the add-on treatmentconcomitantly with inhaled steroidsas alternative monotherapy to low-dose inhaled corticosteroidsand to prevent exercise-induced bronchoconstriction.

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