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The management of NMS should include1intensive symptomatic treatment and medical monitoring and 2treatment of any concomitant serious medical problems for which specific treatments are availableDopamine agonistssuch as bromocriptineand muscle relaxantssuch as dantroleneare often used in the treatment of NMShowevertheir effectiveness has not been demonstrated in controlled studies.

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Patients taking SINEMET alone or with other dopaminergic drugs have reported suddenly falling asleep without prior warning of sleepiness while engaged in activities of daily livingincludes operation of motor vehiclesRoad traffic accidents attributed to sudden sleep onset have been reportedAlthough many patients reported somnolence while on dopaminergic medicationsthere have been reports of road traffic accidents attributed to sudden onset of sleep in which the patient did not perceive any warning signssuch as excessive drowsinessand believed that they were alert immediately prior to the eventSudden onset of sleep has been reported to occur as long as one year after the initiation of treatment.

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Patients with chronic wide-angle glaucoma may be treated cautiously with SINEMET provided the intraocular pressure is well-controlled and the patient is monitored carefully for changes in intraocular pressure during therapy.

Use of SINEMET with dopamine-depleting agentse.greserpine and tetrabenazineor other drugs known to deplete monoamine stores is not recommended.

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SINEMET is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to any component of this drugand in patients with narrow-angle glaucoma.

Tell your doctor if you are taking any other medicinesincluding any that you buy without a prescription from your pharmacysupermarket or health food shopSome medicines and SINEMET may interfere with each otherThese include:

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