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The pharmacokinetics of rizatriptan were similar in elderlyaged 65 years or olderand in younger adultsBecause migraine occurs infrequently in the elderlyclinical experience with rizatriptan is limited in such patientsIn clinical trialsthere were no apparent differences in efficacy or in overall adverse experience rates between patients below65 years of age and those 65 years and aboven=17

As with other 5-HT1 agonistssensations of tightnesspainpressureand heaviness in the precordiumthroatneck and jaw commonly occur after treatment with rizatriptan and are usually noncardiac in originHoweverif a cardiac origin is suspectedpatients should be evaluatedPatients shown to have CAD and those with Prinzmetal’s variant angina should not receive 5-HT1 agonists.

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A migraineon the other handis also a type of a tension-type headache which results in an acute throbbing sensation in one part of your headUsuallymigraine headaches are highly painfulMigraine pain makes it difficult for a person to carry out his/her daily tasksSymptoms or signs associated with migraine attacks are:

The administration of rizatriptan with other 5-HT 1 agonistse.gsumatriptanzolmitriptannaratriptanhas not been evaluated in migraine patientsBecause their vasospastic effects may be additiveco-administration of rizatriptanand other 5-HT 1 agonists within 24 hours of each other is not recommended.

Cases of life-threatening serotonin syndrome have been reported during combined use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitorsSSRIsor serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitorsSNRIsand triptansThere have been reports describing patients with symptoms compatible with serotonin syndromeincluding altered mental statusautonomic instability and neuromuscular abnormalitiesfollowing the use of SSRIs or serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitorsSNRIsand triptans.

Rizatriptan is principally metabolized via the MAO-A subtypePlasma concentrations of rizatriptan and its active N-monodesmethyl metabolite may be increased by drugs that are selective MAO-A inhibitorse.gmoclobemideor non-selective MAO inhibitorse.gisocarboxazidphenelzinetranylcypromine and pargylineSimilar or greater effects are expected with non-selectivereversiblee.glinezolidand irreversible MAO inhibitorsIn a drug interaction studywhen rizatriptan 10 mg was administered to subjectsn=12receiving concomitant therapy with the selectivereversible MAO-A inhibitormoclobemide 150 mg t.i.dthere were mean increases in the rizatriptan AUC and C max of 119and 41respectivelythe AUC of the active N-monodesmethyl metabolite of rizatriptan was increased more than 400The interaction would be expected to be greater with irreversible MAO inhibitorsNo pharmacokinetic interaction is anticipated in patients receiving selective MAO-B inhibitorsDue to a risk of coronary artery vasoconstriction and hypertensive episodesadministration of rizatriptan to patients taking MAO inhibitors is contraindicated.

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