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Anatomy of the female breastThe nipple and areola are shown on the outside of the breastThe lymph nodeslobeslobulesductsand other parts of the inside of the breast are also shown.

Studies have shown that some factors do not affect the risk of breast cancer.

In women with an increased risk of breast cancertaking aromatase inhibitors decreases the amount of estrogen made by the bodyBefore menopauseestrogen is made by the ovaries and other tissues in a woman’s bodyincluding the brainfat tissueand skinAfter menopausethe ovaries stop making estrogenbut the other tissues do notAromatase inhibitors block the action of an enzyme called aromatasewhich is used to make all of the body’s estrogenAromatase inactivators stop the enzyme from working.

Hormonessuch as estrogen and progesteronecan be made into a pill form in a laboratoryEstrogenprogestinor both may be given to replace the estrogen no longer made by the ovaries in postmenopausal women or women who have had their ovaries removedThis is called hormone replacement therapyhrtor hormone therapyhtCombination hrt/ht is estrogen combined with progestinThis type of hrt/ht increases the risk of breast cancerStudies show that when women stop taking estrogen combined with progestinthe risk of breast cancer decreases.

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Decreasing the length of time a woman’s breast tissue is exposed to estrogen may help prevent breast cancerExposure to estrogen is reduced in the following ways:

ScreeningThis is one of the most effective ways to identify the disease in its early stagesThis will help in controlling cancer from spreading with minimal treatment.

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Osteoporosis in women can be treated using Hormone Replacement TherapyHRTThe therapy makes use of either a combination of progestin and oestrogen or simplyoestrogenHoweverit is possible that certain combinations have side-effects that might give rise to other medical conditionsThereforeproper consultation with an orthopedist is an essential pre-requisite so that the condition of osteoporosis as well the side effects may be addressed before proceeding with Hormone Replacement Therapy.

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Certain oral contraceptives contain estrogenSome studies have shown that taking oral contraceptivesthe pillmay slightly increase the risk of breast cancer in current usersThis risk decreases over timeOther studies have not shown an increased risk of breast cancer in women who take oral contraceptives.

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