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Table 2 includes drugs with clinically important drug interactions and interaction with diagnostics when administered concomitantly with Protonix I.Vand instructions for preventing or managing them.

The following serious adverse reactions are described below and elsewhere in labeling:

A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rareHoweverget medical help right away if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reactionincludingrashitching/swellingespecially of the face/tongue/throatsevere dizzinesstrouble breathingsigns of kidney problemssuch as change in the amount of urine

Tell your doctor if your condition persists or worsensThe risk of side effects goes up over timeAsk your doctor how long you should take this medication.

Pantoprazole is extensively metabolized in the liver through the cytochrome P450CYPsystemPantoprazole metabolism is independent of the route of administrationintravenous or oralThe main metabolic pathway is demethylationby CYP2C19with subsequent sulfationother metabolic pathways include oxidation by CYP3A4There is no evidence that any of the pantoprazole metabolites have significant pharmacologic activityCYP2C19 displays a known genetic polymorphism due to its deficiency in some sub-populationse.g3of Caucasians and African-Americans and 17 to 23of AsiansAlthough these sub-populations of slow pantoprazole metabolizers have elimination half-life values from 3.5 to 10 hoursthey still have minimal accumulation23or lesswith once daily dosing.

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