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These are not all the possible side effects of PROGRAFFor more informationask your healthcare provider or pharmacist.

Prograf was approved for use in Canada in December 19955 It is indicated for the prevention of organ rejection in patients who have received allogeneic liverkidneyor heart transplant and for the treatment of refractory rejection in patients who have received allogeneic liver or kidney transplantsas well as for treating some cases of rheumatoid arthritis in adults6 Advagraf was approved for use in Canada in October 2007 5 and was made available on the market in April 20087 It is indicated for the prevention of organ rejection in adult patients who have received allogeneic kidney transplant8 Both Prograf and Advagraf contain the immunosuppressant tacrolimushoweverPrograf is an immediate-release formulation to be taken every 12 hours when used for the prevention of organ rejectionwhereas Advagraf is an extended-release formulation that is to be taken every 24 hours68 Tacrolimus has a narrow therapeutic index and highly variable pharmacokineticsit requires individualized dosing based on the results of careful therapeutic monitoringIt is imperative that Prograf and Advagraf be prescribeddispensedand taken correctly to ensure that blood levels of tacrolimus are maintained within the therapeutic range68.

Prograf injection must be diluted with 0.9Sodium Chloride Injection or 5Dextrose Injection to a concentration between 0.004 mg/mL and 0.02 mg/mL prior to useDiluted infusion solution should be stored in glass or polyethylene containers and should be discarded after 24 hoursThe diluted infusion solution should not be stored in a PVC container due to decreased stability and the potential for extraction of phthalatesIn situations where more dilute solutions are utilizede.gpediatric dosingetcPVC-free tubing should likewise be used to minimize the potential for significant drug adsorption onto the tubing.

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You will need regular medical tests to be sure Prograf is not causing harmful effectsDo not miss any follow up visits to your doctor for blood or urine testsAvoid being near people who are sick or have infections.

It is important to take Prograf capsules consistently every day either with or without food because the presence and composition of food decreases the bioavailability of Prografsee CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY

Tacrolimus may cause a condition that affects the heart rhythmQT prolongationQT prolongation can rarely cause seriousrarely fatalfast/irregular heartbeat and other symptomssuch as severe dizzinessfaintingthat need medical attention right away.

Before using this medicationtell your doctor or pharmacist your medical historyespecially ofmineral imbalancessuch as high potassiumkidney diseaseany recent/current infectionscancerliver diseasehigh blood pressurediabetes.

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