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Acarbose is a complex oligosaccharide that delays the digestion of ingested carbohydratesthereby resulting in a smaller rise in blood glucose concentration following mealsAs a consequence of plasma glucose reductionPrecose reduces levels of glycosylated hemoglobin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitusSystemic non-enzymatic protein glycosylationas reflected by levels of glycosylated hemoglobinis a function of average blood glucose concentration over time.

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Acarbose does not usually cause low blood sugarhypoglycemiaLow blood sugar may occur if this drug is prescribed with other diabetes medicationsor if you do not consume enough calories from foodor if you do unusually heavy exerciseTalk with your doctor or pharmacist about whether the dose of your other diabetes medication(sneeds to be lowered.

Acarbose is used to treat type 2 diabetesAcarbose is sometimes used in combination with insulin or other diabetes medications you take by mouth.

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Symptoms of high blood sugarhyperglycemiainclude thirstincreased urinationconfusiondrowsinessflushingrapid breathingand fruity breath odorIf these symptoms occurtell your doctor right awayYour dosage may need to be increased or you may need other drugs.

Adjunct to diet in type 2 diabetesalone or with insulinmetforminor a sulfonylurea.

The preparation for Precose is an oral tablet medication used in conjunction with diet and exercise for reducing blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetesPrecose can be used alone in the treatment type 2 diabetes or can be combined with sulfonylureas such as glyburideDiabetaor metforminGlucophageor with insulin.

Copyright 1996-2013 Cerner MultumIncVersion8.02Revision date6/16/2012.

Because its mechanism of action is differentthe effect of Precose to enhance glycemic control is additive to that of sulfonylureasinsulin or metformin when used in combinationIn additionPrecose diminishes the insulinotropic and weight-increasing effects of sulfonylureas.

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