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Medications similar to cilostazol have caused seriouspossibly fatalproblems in people with a certain type of heart diseaseheart failureThereforedo not use cilostazol if you have heart failure.

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No dose adjustment is required in patients with mild hepatic impairmentPatients with moderate or severe hepatic impairment have not been studied in clinical trials and dosing recommendations cannot be providedsee Clinical Pharmacology12.3

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Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditionsadverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of another drug and may not reflect the rates observed in practice.

Dietary administration of cilostazol to male and female rats and mice for up to 104 weeksat doses up to 500 mg/kg/day in rats and 1000 mg/kg/day in micerevealed no evidence of carcinogenic potentialThe maximum doses administered in both rat and mouse studies wereon a systemic exposure basisless than the human exposure at the MRHD of the drugCilostazol tested negative in bacterial gene mutationbacterial DNA repairmammalian cell gene mutationand mouse in vivo bone marrow chromosomal aberration assaysIt washoweverassociated with a significant increase in chromosomal aberrations in the in vitro Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell assay.

Read the Patient Information Leaflet if available from your pharmacist before you start taking cilostazol and each time you get a refillIf you have any questionsask your doctor or pharmacist.

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