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Along with its needed effectstetracyclinethe active ingredient contained in Panmycinmay cause some unwanted effectsAlthough not all of these side effects may occurif they do occur they may need medical attention.

Panmycin is used to treat many different bacterial infections of the skinintestinesrespiratory tracturinary tractgenitalslymph nodesand other body systemsThis medicine is often used in treating severe acneor sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilisgonorrheaor chlamydiaThis medicine is also used to treat infections you can get from direct contact with infected animals or contaminated food.

Use this medicine for the full prescribed length of timeYour symptoms may improve before the infection is completely clearedSkipping doses may also increase your risk of further infection that is resistant to antibioticsPanmycin will not treat a viral infection such as the flu or a common cold.

Nervous system side effects have included benign intracranial hypertensionpseudotumor cerebriin adults and bulging fontanels in infantsRef]

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