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The antihypertensive efficacy of Norvasc has been demonstrated in a total of 15 double-blindplacebo-controlledrandomized studies involving 800 patients on Norvasc and 538 on placeboOnce daily administration produced statistically significant placebo-corrected reductions in supine and standing blood pressures at 24 hours postdoseaveraging about 12/6 mmHg in the standing position and 13/7 mmHg in the supine position in patients with mild to moderate hypertensionMaintenance of the blood pressure effect over the 24-hour dosing interval was observedwith little difference in peak and trough effectTolerance was not demonstrated in patients studied for up to 1 yearThe 3 parallelfixed dosedose response studies showed that the reduction in supine and standing blood pressures was dose-related within the recommended dosing rangeEffects on diastolic pressure were similar in young and older patientsThe effect on systolic pressure was greater in older patientsperhaps because of greater baseline systolic pressureEffects were similar in black patients and in white patients.

The antihypertensive efficacy of Norvasc has been demonstrated in a total of 15 double-blindplacebo-controlledrandomized studies involving 800 patients on Norvasc and 538 on placeboOnce daily administration produced statistically significant placebo-corrected reductions in supine and standing blood pressures at 24 hours postdoseaveraging about 12/6 mmHg in the standing position and 13/7 mmHg in the supine position in patients with mild to moderate hypertensionMaintenance of the blood pressure effect over the 24-hour dosing interval was observedwith little difference in peak and trough effectTolerance was not demonstrated in patients studied for up to 1 yearThe 3 parallelfixed dosedose response studies showed that the reduction in supine and standing blood pressures was dose-related within the recommended dosing rangeEffects on diastolic pressure were similar in young and older patientsThe effect on systolic pressure was greater in older patientsperhaps because of greater baseline systolic pressureEffects were similar in black patients and in white patients.

CommentsPatients who are small or fragile may be started on 2.5 mg orally once a dayThe dosage should be adjusted according to patient responseIn generaltitration should proceed over 7 to 14 daysIf clinically warrantedtitration may proceed more rapidlyprovided the patient is assessed frequently.

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Your hypertension or heart condition may be treated with a combination of drugsUse all medications as directed by your doctorRead the medication guide or patient instructions provided with each medicationDo not change your doses or stop taking any of your medications without your doctor’s adviceThis is especially important if you also take nitroglycerin.

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If massive overdose should occurinitiate active cardiac and respiratory monitoringFrequent blood pressure measurements are essentialShould hypotension occurprovide cardiovascular support including elevation of the extremities and the judicious administration of fluidsIf hypotension remains unresponsive to these conservative measuresconsider administration of vasopressorssuch as phenylephrinewith attention to circulating volume and urine outputAs Norvasc is highly protein boundhemodialysis is not likely to be of benefit.

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