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Before you start taking the tabletsread the manufacturer’s printed information leaflet from inside the packThe manufacturer’s leaflet will give you more information about norfloxacin and a full list of the side-effects which you may experience from taking itTake norfloxacin exactly as your doctor tells you toThe usual dose is one 400 mg tablettaken twice a daySwallow the tablet with a drink of waterYou should take the tablets when your stomach is emptywhich means taking them one hour before any foodor waiting until two hours afterwardsThis is because your body absorbs less norfloxacin after a mealwhich means the medicine is less effectiveTry to space out the doses over the dayso ideallytake a dose every 12 hoursDo not drink milk or take indigestion remedies or medicines containing iron or zincsuch as multivitamin tabletsduring the two hours before you take norfloxacinor during the two hours after you have taken a doseThis is because these things interfere with the way norfloxacin is absorbed by your bodyand stop it from working fullyIf you forget to take a dosetake it as soon as you remember unless your next dose is dueIf your next dose is due then take the dose which is due but leave out the forgotten oneDo not take two tablets together to make up for a missed doseEven if you feel your infection has cleared upkeep taking the antibiotic until the course is finishedunless you are told to stop by your doctorThis is to prevent the infection from coming backA course of treatment usually lasts for 7-10 daysalthough it may be for a shorter time than this if you are a womanIf you have a long-termchronicinfectionyour course of treatment will be for longer than thispossibly for 1-3 monthsIf you still feel unwell after finishing the course of tabletsgo back to see your doctor.

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