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Mometasone is used to prevent and treat seasonal and year-round allergy symptomssuch as stuffy/runny noseitchingand sneezingIt is also used to treat certain growths in the nosenasal polypsMometasone belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroidsIt works by reducing swellinginflammationin the nasal passages.

Systemic effects of nasal corticosteroids may occurparticularly at high doses prescribed for prolonged periodsThese effects are much less likely to occur than with oral corticosteroids and may vary in individual patients and between different corticosteroid preparationsPotential systemic effects may include Cushing’s syndromeCushingoid featuresadrenal suppressiongrowth retardation in children and adolescentscataractglaucoma and more rarelya range of psychological or behavioural effects including psychomotor hyperactivitysleep disordersanxietydepression or aggressionparticularly in children

Read and carefully follow any Instructions for Use provided with your medicineAsk your doctor or pharmacist if you do not understand these instructions.

Rarelyit is possible that corticosteroids given in the nose will be absorbed into the bloodstreamThis can lead to side effects of too much corticosteroidThese side effects are more likely in children and people who use this medication for a long time and in high dosesTell your doctor right away if any of the following side effects occurunusual/extreme tirednessweight lossheadacheswelling ankles/feetincreased thirst/urinationvision problems.

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