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Epistaxis was generally self-limiting and mild in severityand occurred at a higher incidence compared to placebo5but at a comparable or lower incidence when compared to the active control nasal corticosteroids studiedup to 15as reported in clinical studies for allergic rhinitisThe incidence of all other adverse events was comparable with that of placeboIn patients treated for nasal polyposisthe overall incidence of adverse events was similar to that observed for patients with allergic rhinitis.

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When intranasal steroids are used at higher than recommended dosages or in susceptible individuals at recommended dosagessystemic corticosteroid effects such as hypercorticism and adrenal suppression may appearIf such changes occurthe dosage of NASONEX Nasal Spray should be discontinued slowlyconsistent with accepted procedures for discontinuing oral corticosteroid therapy.

Other drugs may interact with mometasoneincluding prescription and over-the-counter medicinesvitaminsand herbal productsTell each of your health care providers about all medicines you use now and any medicine you start or stop using.

Treatment with NASONEX Nasal Spray may need to be initiated some days before the expected start of the pollen season in patients who have a history of moderate to severe symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis.

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To use the sprayremove the protective capClose one nostril by pressing it with your fingerTilt your head slightly forward andkeeping the bottle uprightcarefully insert the nasal applicator into the other nostrilPress down firmly on the pump to deliver the prescribed number of spraysDo not spray directly onto the middle wall of your nosenasal septumBreathe in gently through your nose and out through your mouthRepeat in the other nostrilWipe the applicator tip and replace the plastic capAvoid blowing your nose for 15 minutes after using this medication.

NASONEXmometasone furoate monohydrateNasal Spray50 mcg is supplied in a whitehighdensitypolyethylene bottle fitted with a white metered-dosemanual spray pumpand blue capIt contains 17 g of product formulation120 sprayseach delivering 50 mcg of mometasone furoate per actuation.

Your nasal inhaler spray will come with instructions in the packageAlways check the package insert for any specific instructions.

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