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Before you start the treatmentread the manufacturer’s printed information leaflet from inside the packIt will give you more information about domperidone and will provide you with a full list of the side-effects which you may experience from taking itTake domperidone exactly as your doctor tells you toThe dose for adults and for young people aged over 16 years is 10 mgone tabletup to three times a dayDo not take more than three doses in any 24-hour periodIf it has been prescribed for a childthe dose will be printed on the label of the pack to remind you what the doctor saidTake your doses about half an hour before mealsIf you take domperidone after a mealit will still workbut it may take longer to have an effectDomperidone should be taken for a short period of time onlyYour treatment will last no longer than seven days.

Domperidone is a peripheral dopamine D 2receptor antagonist with gastrokinetic and anti-emetic propertiesIt is used in the treatment of symptoms of nausea and vomiting of variable originIt exerts its actions via inhibition of dopamine receptors in the human gutand in the chemoreceptor trigger zoneCTZwhich lies outside the blood-brain barrier in the area postremaThe active substance is available as domperidone and as domperidone maleate.

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Domperidone is contra-indicated with QT prolonging drugs including apomorphineunless the benefit of the co-administration with apomorphine outweighs the risksand only if the recommended precautions for co-administration mentioned in the apomorphine SmPC are strictly fulfilledPlease refer to the apomorphine SmPC.

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