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In treating patients with congestive heart failure after an initial diuresis has been achievedpotassium loss may also decrease and the need for MIDAMORamilorideshould be reevaluatedDosage adjustment may be necessaryMaintenance therapy may be on an intermittent basis.

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Pregnancy Category BTeratogenicity studies with amiloride HCl in rabbits and mice given 20 and 25 times the maximum human doserespectivelyrevealed no evidence of harm to the fetusalthough studies showed that the drug crossed the placenta in modest amountsReproduction studies in rats at 20 times the expected maximum daily dose for humans showed no evidence of impaired fertilityAt approximately 5 or more times the expected maximum daily dose for humanssome toxicity was seen in adult rats and rabbits and a decrease in rat pup growth and survival occurred.

Amiloride can interfere with the results of a glucose tolerance testStop using this medication for at least 3 days before you have this testTell any doctor who treats you that you are using amiloride.

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