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This medication may be prescribed for other usesask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.

Take metoclopramide exactly as prescribed by your doctorFollow the directions on your prescription label and read all medication guidesUse the medicine exactly as directed.

Metoclopramide may cause other side effectsCall your doctor if you have any unusual problems while you are taking this medication.

If you are taking the orally disintegrating tabletuse dry hands to remove the tablet from the package just before you take your doseIf the tablet breaks or crumblesdispose of it and remove a new tablet from the packageGently remove the tablet and immediately place it on the top of your tongueThe tablet will usually dissolve in about one minute and can be swallowed with saliva.

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Taking metoclopramide may cause you to develop a muscle problem called tardive dyskinesiaIf you develop tardive dyskinesiayou will move your musclesespecially the muscles in your face in unusual waysYou will not be able to control or stop these movementsTardive dyskinesia may not go away even after you stop taking metoclopramideThe longer you take metoclopramidethe greater the risk that you will develop tardive dyskinesiaThereforeyour doctor will probably tell you not to take metoclopramide for longer than 12 weeksThe risk that you will develop tardive dyskinesia is also greater if you are taking medications for mental illnessif you have diabetesor if you are elderlyespecially if you are a womanCall your doctor immediately if you develop any uncontrollable body movementsespecially lip smackingmouth puckeringchewingfrowningscowlingsticking out your tongueblinkingeye movementsor shaking arms or legs.

Risk of developing tardive dyskinesia increases with treatment duration and total cumulative dose.

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Metoclopramide injection is used to treat severe diabetic gastroparesisThe injection is also used to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy or surgeryor to aid in certain medical procedures involving the stomach or intestines.

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