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Do not give this medicine to anyone under 18 years old without medical advice.

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On April 29 the Washington Post confirmed that Eric Harristhe leader in the Littleton tragedywas taking the psychiatric drug Luvox at the time of the murdersOn April 30 the same newspaper published a story quoting expert claims that Luvox is safe and has no association with causing violenceIn factLuvox and closely related drugs commonly produce manic psychosesaggressionand other behavioral abnormalities in children and young people.

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Some young people have thoughts about suicide when first taking an antidepressantYour doctor will need to check your progress at regular visits while you are using fluvoxamine.

Luvox is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitorSSRIantidepressantThis medicine affects chemicals in the brain that may be unbalanced in people with obsessive-compulsive symptoms.

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