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AMetoprololbrand names LopressorToprolis used to treat high blood pressurehypertensionand chest painanginaIt is also used after a heart attackMetoprolol belongs to the group of drugs called beta-blockersThese drugs work by decreasing the heart rate and keeping the blood vessels relaxed so it is easier for the heart to pump blood throughout the bodyAccording to the package insertcommonly reported side effects of metoprolol include tirednessdizzinessdepressiondiarrheashortness of breathlow heart rateand rashThere are no reports of upper arm pain or muscle pain as a side effect of metoprololContact your doctor if you think you are having a side effect from your medication or if you develop a new or different symptomDo not stop or change the dose of your medication unless your doctor instructs you to do soUpper arm pain can be a sign of many conditionsincluding heart problemsYou may also get more information by using the Everyday Health Symptom Checker under Arm PainFor more specific informationconsult with your doctor or pharmacist for guidance based on your health status and current medicationsparticularly before taking any actionMichelle McDermottPharmD.

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AMetoprololLopressorToprol XLis classified in a medication class called beta blockersMetoprolol is approved for usein the United Statesfor the treatment of high blood pressureboth as a single medication or in combination with other blood pressure medicationsMetoprolol is also approved for the long-term treatment of anginachest painMetoprolol is also approved to increase the chance that a person will live longer after suffering from a heart attackMetoprolol is also occasionally used to prevent migraine headachesto treat irregular heartbeatand to manage movement disorders caused by medication used for mental illnesshoweverthese are not U.SFood and Drug AdministrationFDAapproved uses for metoprololMetoprolol works by slowing the heart rate and relaxing blood vesselswhich allows for smoother blood flowLisinoprilPrinivilZestrilis classified in a medication class called angiotensin-converting enzymeACEinhibitorsLisinopril is approved to treat high blood pressureboth as a single medication or in combination with other blood pressure medicationsLisinopril is also approved as add on therapy for the management of heart failure in people who are not responding to other medicationsLisinopril is also approved to use along with other treatments to improve survival in people who have just had a heart attackLisinopril is used to protect kidney function in people with diabetes and to prevent migraine headacheshoweverthese are not FDA-approved uses for lisinoprilLisinopril works by decreasing certain natural substances in the bodywhich allows for widening of blood vesselsleading to smoother blood flowBoth metoprolol and lisinopril may be used for other medical conditionsFor more specific informationconsult with your doctor or pharmacist for guidance based on your health status and current medicationsparticularly before taking any actionDerek DorePharmD.

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