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AMetoprolol is a medication that is used to treat anginahigh blood pressureor congestive heart failureMetoprolol is part of a group of medications called beta blockers that work to help blood vessels relax allowing for decrease in blood pressure and decreasing the workload of the heartThe prescribing information on metoprolol states that you should not stop taking metoprolol abruptlyStopping metoprolol may cause your condition that you are treating to become worse and cause serious problemsIn clinical studies of metoprololstopping the medication abruptly can increase a person’s chances for developing chest painheart attack or serious irregular heart rhythmsThis risk is greater in people with existing heart diseaseLori PoulinPharmD.

AMetoprolol belongs to a group of drugs called beta-blockers that affect the heart and circulationblood flow through arteries and veinsIt is used to treat anginachest painhypertensionhigh blood pressureand to treat or prevent heart attackMedicines are sometimes prescribed for conditions that are not mentioned in the patient leaflet and/or prescribing informationThese uses are not approved by the U.SFood and Drug Administration and are often referred to asunlabeled usesoff-label usesorunapproved usesMetoprolol has a variety of these unlabeled uses including migraine preventiontreatment of tremorsand anxietyCommon side effects of metoprolol include nauseavomitingdecreased sex driveimpotenceinsomniatirednessand nervousnessThis is not a complete list of side effects that can occur with metoprololFor more specific informationconsult with your doctor or pharmacist for guidance based on your health status and current medicationsparticularly before taking any actionSarah LewisRPhPharmD.

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ALopressormetoprololis in a class of drugs known as beta blockersBeta blockers are used to treat chest pain and high blood pressurethey are also used to treat or prevent heart attackDrinking alcohol with metoprolol can increase the dizziness and drowsiness that often occurs in patients taking metoprololThe most common side effects of metoprolol are vomitingsleep problemsdizzinessdrowsinessanxietyand nervousnessContact your physician immediately if any of the following severe side effects occurslow or uneven heartbeatsfeeling lightheadedfaintingshortness of breathswelling of ankles or feetloss of appetitedark urineor jaundiceyellowing of skin or eyesMetoprolol is only one part of a complete program of hypertension treatmentDietexerciseand weight control are other important factorsHigh blood pressure usually does not have symptomscontinue using metoprolol even if you feel wellBurton DunawayPharmD.

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You should also let your doctor know if you have pheochromocytomaa rare tumor that develops on a gland near the kidneys that can cause high blood pressure and a fast heartbeat.

AAccording to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney DiseasesNIDDKover timehypertensionhigh blood pressurecan damage the kidneys and lead to chronic kidney diseaseStudies have shown that two classes of antihypertensive medications have demonstrated a protective effect on the kidneysangiotensin-converting enzymeACEinhibitorssuch as enalaprilVasotecand angiotensin II receptor blockersARBsThese studies have shown that these two classes of medications can decrease proteinurialoss of protein in the urineand can slow the progression of kidney damagebut do not reverse itEnalapril is an ACE inhibitor indicated for the treatment of hypertensioncongestive heart failurekidney problems associated with diabetesand to improve survival after a heart attackSome of the common side effects associated with enalapril treatment include coughloss of appetiteloss of tastedizzinessheadachedrowsinessinsomniadifficulty sleepingdry mouthnauseavomitingdiarrhea or mild skin itching or rashIf you experience anything unusual or bothersome while taking enalaprilit is important to contact your physicianEnalapril should be taken with a full glass of water and can be taken with or without foodWhile being treated with enalapril it is important to have your blood pressurekidney and liver function routinely monitored by your health care providerMetoprolol is also an antihypertensive medication categorized as a beta-blockerMetoprolol is indicated for the treatment of hypertensionanginachest painand for the treatment or prevention of a heart attackMetoprolol does not slow the progression of kidney damage like enalapril doesSome of the possible side effects associated with metoprolol treatment include dry mouthheartburnvomitingdiarrheaconstipationheadachedrowsinesstired feelinginsomniaanxietynervousnessdecreased sex driveimpotence or difficulty having an orgasmBeth IsaacPharmD.

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AMetoprololLopressorToprol XLis a blood pressure medication categorized as a beta blockerMetoprolol is indicated for the treatment of anginachest painand hypertensionhigh blood pressureIt is also used to treat or prevent heart attackSome of the reported side effects associated with metoprolol treatment include dry mouthconstipationheartburnvomitingdiarrheadrowsinessanxietynervousnessdifficulty sleepingfeeling tired and decreased sex drive or difficulty having an orgasm and headacheIf you have been experiencing headachesor migraineswhile taking metoprololyou may want to consult your health care provider to determine possible treatment optionsMetoprolol should be taken with foodor just following a mealand with a full glass of waterIt is important to try and take metoprolol at the same time each day and exactly as prescribed by your healthcare providerWhile being treated with metoprolol it is important to routinely monitor blood pressure to ensure the medication is optimally controlling your blood pressureBeth IsaacPharmD.

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