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Do not use if you are pregnantStop using this medicine and tell your doctor right away if you become pregnantor if you miss two menstrual periods in a rowIf you have recently had a babywait at least 4 weeks before taking birth control pills.

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If this is the first time you are using this medication and you are not switching from another form of hormonal birth controlsuch as patchother birth control pillstake the first tablet in the pack on the first Sunday following the beginning of your menstrual period or on the first day of your periodIf your period begins on a Sundaybegin taking this medication on that dayFor the first cycle of use onlyuse an additional form of non-hormonal birth controlsuch as condomsspermicidefor the first 7 days to prevent pregnancy until the medication has enough time to workIf you start on the first day of your periodyou do not need to use back-up birth control the first week.

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If you miss two active pills in a row in Week 1 or 2take two pills per day for two days in a rowThen take one pill per day for the rest of the packUse back-up birth control for at least 7 days following the missed pills.

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The 28 day birth control pack contains sevenreminderpills to keep you on your regular cycleYour period will usually begin while you are using these reminder pills.

If you need surgery or medical tests or if you will be on bed restyou may need to stop using this medication for a short timeAny doctor or surgeon who treats you should know that you are using birth control pills.

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