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While using Lanoxinyou may need frequent blood testsYour kidney function may also need to be checked.

If you are taking this medicineyour doctor may ask you to have regular blood tests to determine the amount of Lanoxin in the bloodThis may be useful in the case of patients with kidney disordersIf you develop digoxin toxicitythis can lead to various forms of heart rhythm disturbancessome of which resemble the rhythm disturbances for which the product was prescribedIf you have abnormal heart rhythmheart blockand you are taking this medicinecontact your doctor immediately if you feel one or more of the following symptomsfaintingshort-lasting loss of consciousnessdizziness or light-headednessfatiguetirednessshortness of breathchest painirregular heart-beat or confusionIf you have a sinoatrial disordera disorder in the conduction of electrical impulses in the heart such as Sick Sinus Syndromein some patients with a sinoatrial disorder this medicine can cause a slow and/or irregular heart-beatSometimes this will cause tirednessweakness and dizziness and when your heartbeat is very slow you may faintIf you have recently suffered a heart attackWhen heart failure occurs along with the collection of an abnormal protein in the heart tissuecardiac amyloidosisan alternative therapy may be prescribed by the doctorIf you have myocarditisinflammation of the heart musclethis may cause vasoconstrictionnarrowing of the blood vesselson rare occasionsYour doctor may prescribe you a different medicineIf you have Beri-beri diseasecaused by a vitamin B1 deficiencyIf you have constrictive pericarditisinflammation of the sac which contains the heartIf you are taking diureticsdrugs which promote urine production and help reduce the amount of water in your bodywith or without an ACE inhibitormainly used to treat high blood pressureyour doctor will prescribe a lower dose of LanoxinDo not stop taking Lanoxin without talking to your doctorIf you have a heart test called an ECGelectrocardiogramtell the person doing the test that you are taking Lanoxin as it can affect the meaning of the resultsIf you have severe respiratorylungdiseaseas you may have an increased sensitivity to LanoxinIf you have low levels of oxygen reaching certain parts of your bodylow levels of potassiumabnormally low levels of magnesium or increased levels of calcium in your blood If you have thyroid diseasesuch as an under-active or over-active thyroidas you might require changes in the dose of this medicineIf you have malabsorption syndromeyou cannot absorb minerals from your food properlyor if you have ever had gastrointestinal reconstruction surgeryIf you will receive electric shock treatment to correct an abnormal heart-beat.

Drug interactions may change how your medications work or increase your risk for serious side effectsThis document does not contain all possible drug interactionsKeep a list of all the products you useincluding prescription/nonprescription drugs and herbal productsand share it with your doctor and pharmacistDo not startstopor change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor’s approval.

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Digoxin belongs to a class of medications called cardiac glycosidesIt works by affecting certain mineralssodium and potassiuminside heart cellsThis reduces strain on the heart and helps it maintain a normalsteadyand strong heartbeat.

If you miss a dosetake it as soon as you remember if it is within 12 hours of your scheduled doseIf it is more than 12 hours after your scheduled doseskip the missed dose and resume your usual dosing scheduleDo not double the dose to catch upIf you miss more than 2 doses in a rowcall your doctor to get a new dosing schedule.

Keep this leafletYou may need to read it againIf you have any further questions ask your doctorpharmacist or nurseThis medicine has been prescribed for you onlyDo not pass it on to othersIt may harm themeven if their signs of illness are the same as yoursIf you get any side effectstalk to your doctorpharmacist or nurseThis includes any possible side effects not listed in this leafletSee section 4.

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The earliest and most frequent manifestation of digoxin toxicity in infants and children is the appearance of cardiac arrhythmiasincluding sinus bradycardiaIn childrenthe use of digoxin may produce any arrhythmiaThe most common are conduction disturbances or supraventricular tachyarrhythmiassuch as atrial tachycardiawith or without blockand junctionalnodaltachycardiaVentricular arrhythmias are less commonSinus bradycardia may be a sign of impending digoxin intoxicationespecially in infantseven in the absence of first-degree heart blockAny arrhythmias or alteration in cardiac conduction that develops in a child taking digoxin should initially be assumed to be a consequence of digoxin intoxication.

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Jay WMarksMDis a board-certified internist and gastroenterologistHe graduated from Yale University School of Medicine and trained in internal medicine and gastroenterology at UCLA/Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

Many digoxin side effects are dose dependent and happen when blood levels are over the narrow therapeutic rangeThereforedigoxin side effects can be avoided by keeping blood levels within the therapeutic levelSerious side effects associated with digoxin include.

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