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Extended-release Lamictal XR may be used for different conditions than immediate-release Lamictal is used forAlways check your refills to make sure you have received the correct sizecolorand shape of tabletAsk the pharmacist if you have any questions about the medicine you receive at the pharmacy.

Lamictallamotrigineis an anti-epileptic medicationalso called an anticonvulsant.

Inform patients who intend to breastfeed that LAMICTAL is present in breast milk and advise them to monitor their child for potential adverse effects of this drugDiscuss the benefits and risks of continuing breastfeeding.

Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a Medication GuideDo not use LAMICTAL for a condition for which it was not prescribedDo not give LAMICTAL to other peopleeven if they have the same symptoms you haveIt may harm them.

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The most common adverse reactions seen in association with the use of LAMICTAL as monotherapy100 to 400 mg/dayin adult patientsaged 18 years and olderwith bipolar disorder in the 2 double-blindplacebo-controlled trials of 18 monthsduration are included in Table 12Adverse reactions that occurred in at least 5of patients and were numerically more frequent during the dose-escalation phase of LAMICTAL in these trialswhen patients may have been receiving concomitant medicationscompared with the monotherapy phase wereheadache25rash11dizziness10diarrhea8dream abnormality6and pruritus6

Lamotrigine may cause severe or life-threatening skin rashespecially in children and in people who take too high of a dose at the start of treatment with lamotrigineSerious skin rash may also be more likely to occur if you are taking lamotrigine together with valproic acidDepakeneor divalproexDepakoteSeek emergency medical attention if you have a feversore throatswelling in your face or tongueburning in your eyesskin painfollowed by a red or purple skin rash that spreadsespecially in the face or upper bodyand causes blistering and peeling.

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