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Store at room temperature between 59 and 86 degrees F15 and 30 degrees CThrow away any unused medicine after the expiration date.

Your doctor will determine the appropriate dosage and schedule of cephalexin depending on the type and severity of your bacterial infectionas well as your ageFor most infections250 mg of cephalexin will be taken 4 times a dayFor more severe infections500 mg of cephalexin will be taken twice a dayThe usual dosage range of cephalexin is 1 to 4 grams a daywith a maximum dosage of 4 grams a day.

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This medication is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infectionsThis medication is known as a cephalosporin antibioticIt works by stopping the growth of bacteria.

Take Cephalexin exactly as prescribedDo not change the dose or stop taking Cephalexin without talking to your doctorThis medication comes in tabletcapsuleand oral suspensionliquidformsCephalexin is typically taken 2 to 4 times a day for 7 to 14 dayswith or without mealsYou should finish the entire course of treatment of the antibiotic to ensure your infection is treated appropriatelyIt is important not to skip doses of CephalexinCephalexin can be taken with or without foodFood or milk can prevent cephalexin from causing an upset stomachCephalexin tablets and capsules should be swallowed wholenot chewedcrushedor splitCephalexin oral suspension should be shaken prior to taking the medicationIf you are diabeticClinitest urine glucose tests may give false results while taking cephalexinIf you miss a dosetake the missed dose as soon as you rememberIf it is almost time for the next doseskip the missed dose and take your next dose at the regular timeDo not take two doses of cephalexin at the same time.

Before taking cephalexintell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to itor to penicillins or other cephalosporinssuch as cefpodoximeor if you have any other allergiesThis product may contain inactive ingredientswhich can cause allergic reactions or other problemsTalk to your pharmacist for more details.

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