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This medication may increase serotonin and rarely cause a very serious condition called serotonin syndrome/toxicityThe risk increases if you are also taking other drugs that increase serotoninso tell your doctor or pharmacist of all the drugs you takesee Drug Interactions sectionGet medical help right away if you develop some of the following symptomsfast heartbeathallucinationsloss of coordinationsevere dizzinesssevere nausea/vomiting/diarrheatwitching musclesunexplained feverunusual agitation/restlessness.

Cerebral hemorrhagesubarachnoid hemorrhageand stroke have occurred with 5-HT1 treatmentsome have resulted in fatalitiesOne case of sumatriptan-induced cortical stroke has been reported in a patient with sagittal sinus thrombosisIn some casesit appears possible that the cerebrovascular events were primaryand the 5-HT1 agonist administered in the belief that presenting symptoms were due to migraine when they were notPatients with migraine may also be at an increased risk of certain cerebrovascular events such as strokehemorrhageand transient ischemic attacks.

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