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Edited by Robert JLefkowitzHoward Hughes Medical InstituteDuke University Medical CenterDurhamNCand approved August 192014received for review December 292013)

It is a succulentfleshy cactus-like plant of the Asclepiad familywhich is an original inhabitant of the Kalahari desert in AfricaAmong its many varietiesHoodia Gordonii is the most popular because its extracts suppress hunger and effectively help reduce weight and fat percentageIt is available on the market in many formsincluding pillscapsulesjuicecomplexeschewsdiet supplementsand even lollipops.

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When you do an internet search for hoodia benefitsyou get thousands of hitsthe vast majority for commercial sites peddling pills said to contain this so-called miracle weight-loss aidAre they the real thingI can only pass on a report from the British Broadcasting Corporationwhich sent a correspondent to the Kalahari to cover this storyAs part of his researchthe reporter had the leading brand of hoodia gordonii available on the internet testedit contained no discernible hoodia.

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