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Adequate studies have not been performed in animals to determine whether fludrocortisone acetate has carcinogenic or mutagenic activity or whether it affects fertility in males or females.

Other adverse reactions that may occur following the administration of a corticosteroid are necrotizing angiitisthrombophlebitisaggravation or masking of infectionsinsomniasyncopal episodesand anaphylactoid reactions.

The recommended dosage for treating the salt-losing adrenogenital syndrome is 0.1 mg to 0.2 mg of Florinef Acetate daily.

The approximate plasma half-life of fludrocortisonefluorohydrocortisoneis 3.5 hours or more and the biological half-life is 18 to 36 hours.

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Corticosteroids are found in the breast milk of lactating women receiving systemic therapy with these agentsCaution should be exercised when fludrocortisone acetate is administered to a nursing woman.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding If you are pregnant or breastfeedingthink you may be pregnant or are planning to have a babyask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.

Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.

Corticosteroids are contraindicated in patients with systemic fungal infections and in those with a history of possible or known hypersensitivity to these agents.

Use in Children The recommended dose is one-half tablet0.05mgto one tablet0.1mgdailyMake sure you take the full course as prescribed by your doctorDo not suddenly stop taking Fludrocortisone acetate as this may make you ill.

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