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The physiologic action of fludrocortisone acetate is similar to that of hydrocortisoneHoweverthe effects of fludrocortisone acetateparticularly on electrolyte balancebut also on carbohydrate metabolismare considerably heightened and prolongedMineralocorticoids act on the distal tubules of the kidney to enhance the reabsorption of sodium ions from the tubular fluid into the plasmathey increase the urinary excretion of both potassium and hydrogen ionsThe consequence of these three primary effects together with similar actions on cation transport in other tissues appear to account for the entire spectrum of physiological activities that are characteristic of mineralocorticoidsIn small oral dosesfludrocortisone acetate produces marked sodium retention and increased urinary potassium excretionIt also causes a rise in blood pressureapparently because of these effects on electrolyte levels.

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Adequate studies have not been performed in animals to determine whether fludrocortisone acetate has carcinogenic or mutagenic activity or whether it affects fertility in males or females.

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