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Avoid contact with people who have infections that may spread to otherssuch as chickenpoxmeaslesfluConsult your doctor if you have been exposed to an infection or for more details.

Because of the inhibitory effect of corticosteroids on wound healingpatients who have experienced recent nasal ulcersnasal surgeryor nasal trauma should avoid using FLONASE Nasal Spray until healing has occurred.

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The activity of FLONASE Nasal Spray is due to the parent drugfluticasone propionateDue to the low bioavailability by the intranasal routethe majority of the pharmacokinetic data was obtained via other routes of administration.

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Clean the applicator regularlyKeep track of the number of sprays used from the containerDiscard the container after you have used the number of sprays on the package label.

Tell your healthcare provider about all of your health conditionsincluding if you:

Flonase is for use in adults and children who are at least 4 years old and is available without a prescription.

Flonase is a nasal spray containing fluticasone propionateFluticasone propionate is a corticosteroid that prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation.

A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rareHoweverget medical help right away if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reactionincludingrashitching/swellingespecially of the face/tongue/throatsevere dizzinesstrouble breathing.

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