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If you have diabetescheck your blood sugar carefully while taking ethionamide.

If your symptoms or health problems do not get better or if they become worsecall your doctorDo not share your drugs with others and do not take anyone else’s drugsKeep a list of all your drugsprescriptionnatural productsvitaminsOTCwith youGive this list to your doctorTalk with the doctor before starting any new drugincluding prescription or OTCnatural productsor vitaminsSome drugs may have another patient information leafletCheck with your pharmacistIf you have any questions about ethionamideplease talk with your doctornursepharmacistor other health care providerIf you think there has been an overdosecall your poison control center or get medical care right awayBe ready to tell or show what was takenhow muchand when it happened.

CommentsAdditional drug/s should be given with this drug to treat patients with susceptible strains of tuberculosisMalabsorption syndrome may occur in patients who adhere to treatment but fail to appropriately respondand may be present in patients with concurrent HIV infectionTherapeutic drug monitoring should be considered in patients with malabsorption syndromeThe duration of treatment should be based on clinical responseincluding permanent bacteriological conversion and maximal clinical improvementThe American Academy of PediatricsAAPrecommends once a day treatment with isoniazidrifampinand pyrazinamide for 2 months in patients with meningitis caused by M tuberculosisand once a day treatment with isoniazid and rifampin for 9 to 12 months in patients with meningitis caused by Mycoplasma bovis.

This is not a complete list of possible side effectsIf you notice other effects not listed abovecontact your doctor or pharmacist.

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USESEthionamide is used with other medications to treat tuberculosisTBEthionamide is an antibiotic and works by stopping the growth of bacteria.This antibiotic treats only bacterial infectionsIt will not work for viral infectionssuch as common coldfluUnnecessary use or misuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness.OTHER This section contains uses of this drug that are not listed in the approved professional labeling for the drug but that may be prescribed by your health care professionalUse this drug for a condition that is listed in this section only if it has been so prescribed by your health care professional.This drug may also be used with other medications to help treat a certain serious infectionMycobacterium avium complex-MAC

A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rareHoweverseek immediate medical attention if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reactionincludingrashitching/swellingespecially of the face/tongue/throatsevere dizzinesstrouble breathing.

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If you have an allergy to ethionamide or any other part of ethionamideIf you are allergic to any drugs like this oneany other drugsfoodsor other substancesTell your doctor about the allergy and what signs you hadlike rashhivesitchingshortness of breathwheezingcoughswelling of facelipstongueor throator any other signsIf you have liver disease.

It is not known whether ethionamide passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing babyTell your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby.

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