Tag Archives: Epivir-HBV

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For managing both hepatitis b and hiv, epivir-hbv vaccine is recommended.

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Information about Epivir-HBV.

Severe acute exacerbations of hepatitis B have been reported in patients who have discontinued anti-hepatitis B therapyincluding Epivir-HBVHepatic function should be monitored closely with both clinical and laboratory follow-up for at least several months in patients who discontinue anti-hepatitis B therapyIf appropriateinitiation of antihepatitis B therapy may be warrantedsee Warnings and Precautions5.2

4 mg/kg/dose PO twice daily in combination with zidovudine and nevirapineA 6-week course of zidovudine is recommendedwhile the optimal duration of nevirapine and lamivudine is unknownMany experts recommend continuation of nevirapine and lamivudine for a 6-week coursewhile others opt to discontinue nevirapine and/or lamivudine after the return of negative newborn testing.

Read the Patient Information Leaflet provided by your pharmacist before you start using lamivudine-HBV and each time you get a refillIf you have any questions regarding the informationconsult your doctor or pharmacist.

Avoid chronic coadministration of lamivudine oral solution and sorbitol-containing medications if possible due to sorbitol dose-dependent reduction in lamivudine exposureAn all-tablet regimen should be used when possible to avoid a potential interaction with sorbitolConsider more frequent monitoring of viral load when treating with lamivudine oral solutionIn a drug interaction study in 16 healthy adult patientscoadministration of a single 300 mg dose of lamivudine oral solution with sorbitol 3.2 g10.2 gor 13.4 g resulted in dose-dependent decreases of 2039and 44in the AUC24 and 2852and 55in the Cmax of lamivudinerespectively.

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la marca de lamivudine epivir-hbv para tratar hepatitis b no debe ser tomado juntos con cualquier otro medicamento que contiene lamivudine, lo que incluye combivir, epivir, epzicom, y trizivir.

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Epivir-hbv lamivudine may also be used to treat other conditions as determined by your doctor.

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Information about Epivir-HBV.

Lower Virologic Suppression Rates and Increased Risk of Viral Resistance with Oral Solution.

There is no known specific treatment for overdose with Epivir-HBVIf overdose occursthe patient should be monitoredand standard supportive treatment appliedas requiredBecause a negligible amount of lamivudine was removed via4-hourhemodialysiscontinuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysisand automated peritoneal dialysisit is not known if continuous hemodialysis would provide clinical benefit in a lamivudine overdose event.

300 mg PO once daily plus tenofovir 300 mg PO once dailyin combination with a third antiretroviral agentis a preferred regimen for HIV post-exposure prophylaxisPEPAlternative lamivudine dosing is 150 mg PO twice dailyAccording to PEP guidelinesindividuals potentially exposed to HIV should receive a 3-drug regimen for a total of 28 dayshoweverif tolerability is a concernuse of a 2-drug regimen may be considered and is preferred to prophylaxis discontinuationThe recommended third antiretroviral agent to be administered in combination with lamivudine and tenofovir varies among published guidelines and includes one of the followingraltegravirdolutegravirlopinavirritonaviror atazanavir boosted with ritonavirAdditionallylamivudine plus tenofovir may be used as part of alternative regimens in combination with other antiretroviral agentsBegin prophylaxis as soon as possibleideally within 2 hours of exposureIf initiation of prophylaxis is delayedbeyond 36 hours or 72 hours after exposureefficacy of the antiretroviral regimen may be diminished and treatment should be determined on a case-by-case basisExposures for which PEP is indicated includeskin puncture by a sharp object that has been contaminated with bloodbody fluidor other infectious materialbite from a patient with visible bleeding in the mouth which causes bleeding by the exposed workersplash of bloodbody fluidor other infectious material onto the workers mouthnoseor eyesexposure of bloodbody fluidor other infectious material on a workers non-intact skini.eopen woundchapped skinabrasiondermatitis

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4 mg/kg/dose PO twice daily in combination with zidovudine and nevirapineA 6-week course of zidovudine is recommendedwhile the optimal duration of nevirapine and lamivudine is unknownMany experts recommend continuation of nevirapine and lamivudine for a 6-week coursewhile others opt to discontinue nevirapine and/or lamivudine after the return of negative newborn testing.

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