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Nauseavomitingdiarrheadizzinessheadachefatigueor infections of the ear/nose/throat may occurIf any of these effects persist or worsennotify your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

Lamivudine is primarily excreted unchanged in the urinePatients with renal impairment have an increased lamivudine half-lifeLamivudine should be used with caution in patients with impaired renal functionincluding renal failureand dosage adjustments are required.

Lamivudine is primarily excreted unchanged in the urinePatients with renal impairment have an increased lamivudine half-lifeLamivudine should be used with caution in patients with impaired renal functionincluding renal failureand dosage adjustments are required.

Before taking lamivudine-HBVtell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to itor if you have any other allergiesThis product may contain inactive ingredientswhich can cause allergic reactions or other problemsTalk to your pharmacist for more details.

Epivir HBV may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.

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Information about Epivir-HBV.

You should not take Epivir-HBVfor treating hepatitis Bif you also take other medicine that contains Epivir HBV or emtricitabineThis includes AtriplaCombivirCompleraEmtrivaEpzicomStribildTrizivirand Truvada.

Tell your doctor right away if any of these rare but very serious side effects occurdeep/rapid breathingdrowsinesstingling/numbness in hands or feet.

Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.

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Information about Epivir-HBV.

Epivir-HBV tablets and oral solution contain a lower lamivudine dose than the lamivudine dose used to treat HIV-1 infection with EPIVIR tablets and oral solution or with lamivudine-containing antiretroviral fixed-dose combination products.

Childrenespecially those with pancreatitismay be more sensitive to the effects of this drug.

The development of resistance is a problem facing treatment of HIV and HBV infectionLamivudine is believed to cause a single mutation at codon 184 of the HIV reverse transcriptase geneM184V or M184Iproducing resistanceThis mutationhoweverin turn inhibits the appearance of the mutation at codon 215 associated with resistance to zidovudineApart from the benefits of combination therapy in antiretroviral-naive patientsit has been found that lamivudine can restore zidovudine sensitivity for patients already carrying HIV virus by reversing an existing mutation at codon 215A reduction in sensitivity of HBV to lamivudine is associated with substitution of methionine to valine or isoleucine at position 552 and a leucine to methionine substitution at position 528 in the YMDD motif of the catalytic domain of HBV polymeraseThe incidence of resistance of HBV to lamivudine has been reported as high as 14after 1 year of therapy with either 25 or 100 mg daily.The long-term clinical significance of YMDD-mutant HBV is not known.

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