Tag Archives: Doxazosin

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Doxazosin tablets may be used alone or in combination with other antihypertensives.

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Doxazosin is not indicated for use in females or for the treatment of hypertensionThe limited available data in pregnant women are not sufficient to inform a drug-associated risk for major birth defects and miscarriage No adverse developmental outcomes were observed in animal reproduction studies with oral administration to pregnant rats and rabbits at doses of up to 10 and 4 timesrespectivelythe 12 mg/day recommended dosepostnatal development was delayed in rats at a dose of 8 times the 12 mg/day recommended dose Doxazosin is present in human milkthere is no information on effects on breastfed infants or effects on milk production when breastfeeding.

If therapy is discontinued for several daysinitiate dose at 1 mg qDay and titrate using initial dosing regimen.

This medication contains doxazosinDo not take CarduraCardura XLor Doxadura if you are allergic to doxazosin or any ingredients contained in this drugKeep out of reach of childrenIn case of overdoseget medical help or contact a Poison Control Center immediately.

Avoid use for hypertensionhigh risk of orthostatic hypotensionBeers criteriaif usedlower initial dosages and gradual adjustments are recommended Immediate release0.5-16 mg orally once daily in the morning or at night Extended releasenot indicated for hypertension.

If your doctor has directed you to use this medicationyour doctor or pharmacist may already be aware of any possible drug interactions and may be monitoring you for themDo not startstopor change the dosage of any medicine before checking with your doctorhealth care provider or pharmacist first.

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If you are also taking a drug to treat erectile dysfunction-ED or pulmonary hypertensionsuch as sildenafiltadalafilyour blood pressure may get too low which can lead to dizziness or faintingYour doctor may need to adjust your medications to minimize this risk.

Doxazosin is also used in men to treat the symptoms of an enlarged prostatebenign prostatic hyperplasia-BPHIt does not shrink the prostatebut it works by relaxing the muscles in the prostate and part of the bladderThis helps to relieve symptoms of BPH such as difficulty in beginning the flow of urineweak streamand the need to urinate frequently or urgentlyincluding during the middle of the night

Hepatic impairmentUse with caution in mild-to-moderate hepatic dysfunctiondo not use in severe impairment.

This document does not contain all possible side effects and others may occurCheck with your physician for additional information about side effects.

This drug may make you dizzy or drowsyAlcohol or marijuana can make you more dizzy or drowsyDo not driveuse machineryor do anything that needs alertness until you can do it safelyLimit alcoholic beveragesTalk to your doctor if you are using marijuanaSee also How to Use section.

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other adverse reactions occurring less than 1 more frequently in hypertensive patients treated with doxazosin vs placebo but plausibly related to doxazosin use include vertigo, hypotension, hot flushes, epistaxis and oedema.