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DISCLAIMERThe information contained herein should NOT be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care providerThis article mentions drugs that were FDA-approved and available at the time of publication and may not include all possible drug interactions or all FDA warnings or alertsThe author of this page explicitly does not endorse this drug or any specific treatment methodIf you have health questions or concerns about interactionsplease check with your physician or go to the FDA site for a comprehensive list of warnings.

DO NOT TAKE Depakote for the prevention of migraine headaches if you are pregnantIf you take Depakote during pregnancy for any medical conditionyour baby is at risk for serious birth defectsThe most common birth defects with Depakote affect the brain and spinal cord and are called spina bifida or neural tube defectsThese defects occur in 1 to 2 out of every 100 babies born to mothers who use this medicine during pregnancyThese defects can begin in the first montheven before you know you are pregnantOther birth defects can happenBirth defects may occur even in children born to women who are not taking any medicines and do not have other risk factorsTaking folic acid supplements before getting pregnant and during early pregnancy may lower the chance of having a baby with a neural tube defectIf you take Depakote during pregnancy for any medical conditionyour child is at risk for having a lower IQThere may be other medicines to treat your condition that have a lower chance of birth defectsAll women of child-bearing age should talk to their healthcare provider about using other possible treatments instead of DepakoteIf the decision is made to use Depakoteyou should use effective birth controlcontraception

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