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ADT is a corticosteroid dosing regimen in which twice the usual daily dose of corticoid is administered every other morningThe purpose of this mode of therapy is to provide the patient requiring long-term pharmacologic dose treatment with the beneficial effects of corticoids while minimizing certain undesirable effectsincluding pituitary-adrenal suppressionthe Cushingoid statecorticoid withdrawal symptomsand growth suppression in children.

The rationale for this treatment schedule is based on two major premisesathe anti-inflammatory or therapeutic effect of corticoids persists longer than their physical presence and metabolic effects andbadministration of the corticosteroid every other morning allows for re-establishment of more nearly normal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenalHPAactivity on the off-steroid day.

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9Although many of the undesirable features of corticosteroid therapy can be minimized by ADTas in any therapeutic situationthe physician must carefully weigh the benefit-risk ratio for each patient in whom corticoid therapy is being considered.

How is this drug usedPrednisone is FDA approved for the treatment of leukemias and lymphomas in adults and acute leukemia of childhoodIt is also indicated for hypercalcemiahigh levels of calcium in the bloodassociated with cancer and mycosis fungoidesPrednisone may also be used to help prevent or reduce nausea and vomitingor to reduce the swelling surrounding cancerous tumors to relieve pressure caused by the swellingIt is important for patients to remember that physicians have the ability to prescribe medication for conditions other than those for which the drug has been approved by the FDAPatients who have received a prescription of this drug for a condition other than which it is approved may wish to discuss this issue with their physicianWhat is the mechanism of actionPrednisone belongs to a class of drugs called glucocorticoidsPrednisone produces its anti-cancer effects by inhibiting inflammatory agents in the bodywhich have been implicated in the development or growth of some cancers.

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