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Male rat studies have demonstrated that the neurotransmitter serotonin and two 5-HT receptors are involved in the ejaculatory processAhlenius et al 1981Foreman et al 1989Activation of 5-HT 2C receptors delays ejaculationwhereas activation of 5-HT 1A receptors accelerates ejaculatory latencyAhlenius et al 1981Based on these animal studiesWaldinger et al1998ahypothesized that lifelong PE is a neurobiological phenomenon related to decreased central serotonergic neurotransmissioncaused by a disruption in the functional balance of 5-HT receptor subtypesincreased sensitivity of 5-HT 1A receptors with decreased sensitivity of 5-HT 2C receptorsHencethey suggest that treatment for PE should aim at 5-HT 2C receptor stimulation and/or 5-HT 1A receptor inhibitionWaldinger et al 2005b

There are three basic mechanisms involved in normal ante-grade ejaculationemissionexpulsionand orgasmand each of these components possesses separate neural pathwaysEjaculatory dysfunction can result from disruption of any point in this cascade of eventsSeveral recent studies have clarified some aspects of the physiology of ejaculationEmissionwhich begins with closure of the bladder neck to prevent retrograde flow of seminal fluid and sperm into the bladderrefers to the deposition of seminal fluid and sperm from the distal epididymisvas deferensseminal vesiclesand prostate into the posterior urethraWitt and Grantmyre 1993

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