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Danazol must not be taken by women who are pregnant or who could become pregnantDanazol may harm the fetusYou will need to have a negative pregnancy test before you begin taking this medicationStart taking this medication during your menstrual cycle to be sure you are not pregnantUse effective birth control during your treatmentDanazol may decrease the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptivesbirth control pillspatchesringsimplantsor injectionsso you should not use these as your only method of birth control during your treatmentYou also must use a barrier method of birth controldevice that blocks sperm from entering the uterus such as a condom or a diaphragmAsk your doctor to help you choose a method of birth control that will work for youIf you become pregnant while taking danazolcall your doctor immediately.

Danazol has been associated with several cases of benign intracranial hypertension also known as pseudotumor cerebriEarly signs and symptoms of benign intracranial hypertension include papilledemaheadachenausea and vomitingand visual disturbancesPatients with these symptoms should be screened for papilledema andif presentthe patients should be advised to discontinue Danazol immediately and be referred to a neurologist for further diagnosis and care.

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