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Increase in red cell and platelet countReversible erythrocytosis or polycythaemia may be provokedEosinophilialeucopeniasplenic peliosis and thrombocytopenia have also been noted.

Administration of Danazol has been reported to cause exacerbation of the manifestations of acute intermittent porphyriaSee CONTRAINDICATIONS

In view of its pharmacologyknown interactions and side effectsparticular care should be observed when using danazol in patients with hepatic or renal diseasehypertension or other cardiovascular disease and in any state which may be exacerbated by fluid retention as well as in diabetes mellituspolycythaemiaepilepsylipoprotein disorderin those with a history of thrombosisand in those who have shown marked or persistent androgenic reaction to previous gonadal steroid therapyAdjustment in concomitant therapy may be called for particularly in patients with hypertensiondiabetes mellitus or epilepsy when introducing or discontinuing danazol as well as during Danazol treatment.

Until more is knowncaution is advised in the use of danazol in the presence of known or suspected malignant diseasesee also contraindicationsBefore treatment initiationthe presence of hormone-dependent carcinoma should be excluded at least by careful clinical examinationas well as if breast nodules persist or enlarge during danazol treatmentIn the event of virilisationDanazol should be withdrawnWhilst androgenic reactions will generally prove reversiblecontinued use of danazol in the face of evident virilisation is likely to cause irreversible androgenic effects.

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Since hepatic dysfunction manifested by modest increases in serum transaminase levels has been reported in patients treated with Danazolperiodic liver function tests should be performedsee WARNINGS and ADVERSE REACTIONS

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An overdose of danazol is not expected to produce life threatening symptomsHoweverlong term use of high doses can lead to symptoms such as weight gainincreased acne or facial hairmenstrual problemsor breast changes.

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Migraine Therapydanazol may itself provoke migraine and possibly reduce the effectiveness of medication to prevent that condition.

It may take several weeks before your symptoms improveKeep using the medication as directed and tell your doctor if your symptoms do not improve or if they get worse during treatment.

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