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It is not known if misoprostol acid is dialyzableHoweverbecause misoprostol is metabolized like a fatty acidit is unlikely that dialysis would be appropriate treatment for overdosage.

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After oral administration of radiolabeled misoprostolabout 80of detected radioactivity appears in urinePharmacokinetic studies in patients with varying degrees of renal impairment showed an approximate doubling of T 1/2C maxand AUC compared to normalsbut no clear correlation between the degree of impairment and AUCIn subjects over 64 years of agethe AUC for misoprostol acid is increasedNo routine dosage adjustment is recommended in older patients or patients with renal impairmentbut dosage may need to be reduced if the usual dose is not tolerated.

Adjustment of the dosing schedule in renally impaired patients is not routinely neededbut dosage can be reduced if the 200-mcg dose is not toleratedSee CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY

The toxic dose of Cytotec in humans has not been determinedCumulative total daily doses of 1600 mcg have been toleratedwith only symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort being reportedIn animalsthe acute toxic effects are diarrheagastrointestinal lesionsfocal cardiac necrosishepatic necrosisrenal tubular necrosistesticular atrophyrespiratory difficultiesand depression of the central nervous systemClinical signs that may indicate an overdose are sedationtremorconvulsionsdyspneaabdominal paindiarrheafeverpalpitationshypotensionor bradycardiaSymptoms should be treated with supportive therapy.

Before taking misoprostoltell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to itor if you have any other allergiesThis product may contain inactive ingredientswhich can cause allergic reactions or other problemsTalk to your pharmacist for more details.

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