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Discontinuation-emergent symptoms have been reported when stopping CYMBALTAThe most commonly reported symptoms following discontinuation of CYMBALTA in pediatric clinical trials have included headachedizzinessinsomniaand abdominal painsee WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS and Adverse Reactions Reported As Reasons For Discontinuation Of Treatment In Adult Placebo-Controlled Trials

Antidepressants increased the risk of suicidal thinking and behaviorsuicidalityin short-term studies in children and adolescents with depression and other psychiatric disordersAnyone considering the use of duloxetine or any other antidepressant in a child or adolescent must balance this risk with the clinical needPatients who are started on therapy should be closely observed for clinical worseningsuicidalityor unusual changes in behavior.

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Table 6Treatment-Emergent Adverse ReactionsIncidence of 2or More and Greater than Placebo in three 10week Pediatric Placebo-Controlled Trials a.

Duloxetine can pass into breast milkbut effects on the nursing baby are not knownTell your doctor if you are breast-feeding.

The most commonly observed adverse reactions in CYMBALTA-treated patientsas defined abovewere nauseadry mouthconstipationsomnolencedecreased appetitehyperhidrosisand agitation.

The most commonly observed adverse reactions in CYMBALTA-treated patientsas defined abovewere nauseadry mouthconstipationsomnolencedecreased appetitehyperhidrosisand agitation.

This list is not complete and many other drugs can interact with duloxetineThis includes prescription and over-the-counter medicinesvitaminsand herbal productsGive a list of all your medicines to any healthcare provider who treats you.

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