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Metabolism of colchicine in vivo has not been fully investigated in humans niel and scherrmann, 2006 , but the in vitro experiments have demonstrated that colchicine undergoes same oxidative demethylation in both human and rat liver microsomes tateishi et al.

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Toxic manifestations associated with colchicine include myelosuppressiondisseminated intravascular coagulationand injury to cells in the renalhepaticcirculatoryand central nervous systemThese most often occur with excessive accumulation or overdosagesee OVERDOSE

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About all of your medical conditions if you have kidney or liver problems if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnantIt is not known if colchicine capsules can harm your unborn babyTalk to your healthcare provider if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnantif you are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeedColchicine can pass into your breast milk and may harm your babyTalk to your healthcare provider about the best way to feed your baby if you take colchicine capsules.

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The dosage is based on your medical conditionother drugs/foods you may be takingand response to treatmentTo reduce your risk for serious side effectsdo not increase your dosetake it more frequentlyor take it for a longer time than directed by your doctorSerious side effects may occur even at usual prescribed doses.

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Co-administration of colchicine capsules with propafenonea P-gp inhibitorat 225 mg BID for 5 daysin a pharmacokinetic study in healthy volunteersdid not cause any changes in systemic levels of colchicineThis indicates that propafenone can be administered with colchicine capsules without any dose adjustmentHoweverthese results should not be extrapolated to other P-gp inhibitors as colchicine is known to be a substrate for P-gp and case reports of colchicine toxicity associated with the co-administration of P-gp inhibitors such as cyclosporine have been published.

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